(505) 980-7564
1704 Moon St. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112
1704 Moon St. NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87112

Can kids who have never been very athletic do well in karate?

Absolutely! One of the best things about martial arts training is that each student grows at their own pace. No matter what skill level they begin with, kids will see improvement and they can take the time they need to develop in an environment that suits their individual needs.

What’s the best age to start training?

Our Tiny Eagles program welcomes children as young as four years old, but it's never too late to begin learning karate. Regardless of your age, we're here to help you start your martial arts journey. Whether you're four, fourteen, or sixty-four, our program is designed to meet your needs and guide you on the path to success.

Can both boys and girls excel in karate?

Yes! Our classes have always had a great balance of boys and girls and over the past 20+ years, some of our best students have been girls.

Does karate make children become violent?

No, in fact, it’s actually more likely to make a child less violent. Karate goes beyond teaching punches and kicks or self-defense. It instills values like respect, cooperation, and peaceful conflict resolution. Physical confrontation is considered a last resort in unavoidable situations, with an emphasis on finding non-violent solutions.

Can karate help shy children develop self-esteem?

We've seen many students build self-confidence in our classes, with some going from being shy and reserved to becoming leaders among their peers. It's always incredible to witness their growth and development, which can often be surprising to their parents.

Can karate help reduce stress?

In the dojo, we encourage you to leave the outside world behind and focus on improving your karate skills. With each class, you'll develop new abilities, boost your self-confidence, and get an awesome physical workout that'll release endorphins, leaving you feeling fantastic at the end of the day.

Have any questions?

We'd love to hear from you!
Call Sensei Anna at (505) 980-7564 or use our contact page to send an e-mail.

We'd love to hear from you!
Call Sensei Anna at (505) 980-7564
or use our contact page to
send an e-mail.